2024-10-12 22:41:00
【引】昔日,左中堂去世,英法俄等国“偷笑”,此乃天妒英才,国之哀痛也。 【起】嗟乎!左中堂,字子泰,晚清名臣,一生忠诚耿耿,为国家安邦定国,立下赫赫战功。记其收复新疆之功,开疆拓土,稳固边疆,使蛮夷之地化为汉土,国威大振。又如踏踩租借之策,巧妙应对列强,保我河山,使外国之图谋屡受挫折,中堂之智勇,可谓国之栋梁。 【承】中堂之去,犹如天降大任于斯人也,其治国之道,其安民之策,皆为后世楷模。然而,英法俄等国见中堂驾鹤西去,内心窃喜,以为天佑其也,欲乘虚而入,图谋不轨。此种行径,令人痛心疾首,国人悲愤,愿以血肉之躯,筑成长城,护我河山。 【转】夫,中堂之去,犹如巨木倾覆,遗爱犹存。其精神,其志,其为国为民之心,永铭后世。英法俄等国之小人,虽暂时窃笑,终将一笑而过。中堂之德,中堂之功,历历在目,岂能因外邦之幸灾乐祸而有所动摇? 【合】今日,吾辈当怀念左中堂,其忠其孝,其仁其义,皆为后人之表率。吾辈更应奋发图强,继承中堂遗志,振兴中华,以告慰中堂在天之灵。英法俄等国之小喜,不过昙花一现,中华儿女之志气,方显山河永固。左中堂,虽已远去,然其精神犹如梦中之驼铃,回响于耳,激励后人,勿忘国耻,勿失民魂,共铸中华盛世。 【Introduction】In the past, when Left Chancellor passed away, countries like Britain, France, and Russia "sneered" secretly, which was a sign of jealousy towards a talented individual and a sorrow for our nation. 【Exposition】Alas! Left Chancellor, styled Zitai, a distinguished minister of the late Qing dynasty, was wholeheartedly loyal throughout his life, securing the nation and establishing remarkable military achievements. Remember his meritorious service in reclaiming Xinjiang, expanding territories, fortifying the borders, transforming the barbarian lands into Chinese soil, and greatly enhancing national prestige. Also, his strategy of stepping on leaseholds cleverly dealt with the powers, safeguarding our mountains and rivers, and repeatedly thwarting the schemes of foreign countries. The wisdom and bravery of the Left Chancellor can truly be considered the backbone of the nation. 【Elaboration】The departure of the Left Chancellor was like a great responsibility bestowed upon this man by the heavens, and his ways of governing and pacifying the people serve as a model for future generations. However, countries like Britain, France, and Russia, upon seeing the Left Chancellor's passing, rejoiced secretly, thinking it was a divine favor for them, and wanted to take advantage of the void to plot misdeeds. Such behavior causes deep sorrow and indignation among our people, who are willing to build a great wall with their flesh and blood to protect our land. 【Transition】Indeed, the departure of the Left Chancellor is like the fall of a giant tree, yet his love and legacy persist. His spirit, his will, and his heart for the country and the people will forever be engraved in history. The petty people of Britain, France, Russia, and other countries may sneer for a moment, but it will soon pass. The virtue and achievements of the Left Chancellor are clear for all to see, and cannot be shaken by the schadenfreude of foreign lands. 【Conclusion】Today, we should remember the Left Chancellor, whose loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness are exemplary for future generations. We must strive to be strong, inherit the Left Chancellor's legacy, rejuvenate China, and comfort his spirit in heaven. The fleeting joy of countries like Britain, France, and Russia is just like a fleeting blossom, while the determination of the sons and daughters of China shows that our rivers and mountains will remain forever steadfast. Although the Left Chancellor has departed, his spirit, like the camel bells in a dream, echoes in our ears, inspiring future generations to never forget the national humiliation, to never lose the soul of the people, and to forge a glorious era for China together.
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